Two bear cubs
, Ursus americanus, up a poplar tree on Blackbird Island, a park in Leavenworth, WA. These were right in the town providing a nice sighting for the tourists, and a lot of anxiety for the local authorities. These two cubs came supplied with a much more formidable mother.
Hen spruce grouse,
Dendragapus canadensis, Franklin's form hen, on the trail near the Canadian border.
Rock sculpture of balanced rocks. Ballard campground, Mazama, Washington.
Western tent caterpillar,
Malacosoma castrense, Issaquah, WA.
Mountain goat,
Oreamnos americanus below Ingalls Peak, Teanaway region, Washington.
Tyrolean grey cow,
Bos taurus, in Sulzenaualm, Stubaital.
Mountain goats.
Capra aegagrus hircus, Stubai style. These really are goats. The American mountain goat is actually a of sheep.
Peregrine falcon,
Falco peregrinus, Nisqually Wildlife Refuge.
Great Blue Heron,
Ardea herodias, Nisqually refuge.